OET リスニングテスト パートA攻略のコツ-サンプル問題あり|海外で医療従事者として働きたいなら知っておきたい英語試験
OETとはOccupational English Testの略で、アメリカやイギリス、カナダやオーストラリアなどで、医師や看護師など医療従事者として資格の登録、働くために必要な英語力の証明に用いられるテストです。試験はリスニング、スピーキング、リーディング、ライティングの4技能のから構成されます。
MEDISTUDIO、OETシリーズ 第三弾ではOET公式サイトよりサンプル問題(Sample Test 1 Part A)をベースにOETリスニングテスト パートAの概要とパートA攻略法 / 問題開始前に注目すべき4つのポイントを解説します。
00:09 はじめに
00:21 目次
00:47 リスニングテスト パートAの概要
02:27 パートA攻略法 / 注目すべき4つのポイント
03:10 ポイント① 問題と解答、それぞれの順番
04:22 ポイント② 答えはどこに?注目すべきセリフ
05:06 ポイント③ 答えを推理できる!?ヒントの見つけ方
07:48 リスニングパートA サンプル問題に挑戦-解答予想つき
12:10 ポイント④ 問題の意図を理解しよう
13:36 まとめ
<OET Sample Test 1 Part A - スクリプト>
「③ 答えを推理できる!?ヒントの見つけ方」ではヒントを踏まえた設問をご覧いただきながら、サンプル問題を流しています。以下は答え合わせに活用してください。
Physiotherapist: Come in - it’s Mr Sands, isn’t it?
Ray Sands: That’s right. Err...Ray Sands.
Physiotherapist: Now I think you’ve been referred to me because you’re suffering from sciatica.
Ray Sands: Err...That’s right. Not for the first time actually.
Physiotherapist: OK, well I’ve got some notes here, but perhaps you can tell me, in your own words, about any previous bouts of sciatica you’ve had, err...what treatment you had, what worked for you, anything else you can remember.
Ray Sands: Righto. Well it all started when I hurt my back, oh about eighteen months ago now – I was giving somebody a hand with a heavy suitcase and I felt it go. You know, just like that. Anyway, I slowly got over that despite occasional flare-ups and then out of the blue, about a year ago, sciatica developed. And it was six months till that finally cleared up altogether. Now it’s come back... in, well in the last month or so, I’d say.
Physiotherapist: I see. And your GP said it was sciatica?
Ray Sands: Yeah, I had this pain all the way down my right leg, and she said the real problem was in my back cos the sciatic nerve was getting trapped. I mean, I’m telling you this was no ordinary pain, it was really intense. I mean to the extent that I couldn’t stand for very long, couldn’t walk hardly any distance, I couldn’t sleep. The most frustrating bit for me was that I couldn’t even turn over in bed, it just hurt so much, I just couldn’t get comfortable, do you know what I mean? Sometimes I’d have a sort of ...erm... tingling feeling in my calves as well, but then at other times my whole leg just felt a bit numb really. It, it was
weird. And, of course, I couldn’t go to work. I’m an events organiser so I travel about a lot, I’m setting things up for conferences, lugging stuff around you know, and so there was no way I could manage any of that the state I was in.
Physiotherapist: OK, so how was this treated?
Ray Sands: Well err, in the first instance, I was given painkillers, obviously, err... Ibuprofen as far as I remember... err, and I was told to put compression packs on the affected area. I mean that did ease the pain a little, but I was still housebound practically speaking.
Physiotherapist: OK.
Ray Sands: Err...Then the GP sent me to see an osteopath and I got some treatment there, but it didn’t seem to make much difference, so I was referred to a sports injury specialist, of all things, err... and he did erm a number of things that did seem to ease things a little, like working on my spine and lower legs, oh and he... he gave me a set of exercises to do at home.
Physiotherapist: I see, erm...any other treatment?
Ray Sands: Err... oh yeah, I almost forgot, there was this course of injections and I went for various other therapies like ultrasound and another one where they do... well they use like, electrical impulses. I can’t remember exactly what it’s called. At one point I even considered acupuncture, but by then the other things were beginning to take effect and the symptoms were subsiding, so I gave it a miss.
Physiotherapist: So which of these various treatments do you feel was most effective? Err, what made the difference?
Ray Sands: Mmm...well I couldn’t say for certain, because it all went on for four months without much improvement really. Then it wasn’t until suddenly in the fifth month, things changed quite dramatically. So to be honest with you, I think it was the combination of treatments gradually taking effect and coming together rather than one single thing making the difference.
Physiotherapist: OK, and did anyone ever talk to you about what might be causing the problem?
Ray Sands: Well, I think everyone assumed that a slipped disc was behind it all, but this was never actually confirmed as that. I mean, I know there is this other condition where you get a lot of pain in the buttocks, but that wasn’t my experience.
Physiotherapist: OK. And did anyone talk to you about aspects of your lifestyle that might be contributing to the problem?
Ray Sands: Well, I remember... [fade]
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